optometry services
The Doctors of Mobile Vision Care provide comprehensive eye exams for diabetes, glaucoma, macula degeneration and many other disease of the eye. The patient’s total health and activities of daily living are taken into account in creating the best treatment plan for that patient.

To ensure good eye health and vision, we are very proud to offer the following services:

Comprehensive Eye Exams

On average, we recommend scheduling an appointment once every year to ensure your eyes are remaining healthy. If you have been diagnosed with an eye condition, however, we recommend scheduling an appointment once or twice a year depending on the severity.

During your appointment, we will review your patient history, visual acuity, perform preliminary tests, and evaluate your eyes’ overall health.

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The doctors of Mobile Vision Care provide comprehensive eye exams for a multitude of systemic and ocular disorders. The patient's total health and activities of daily living are taken into account in creating the best treatment plan for that patient. The doctors and staff of Mobile Vision Care can provide eyeglasses on sight as well. We want to offer our patients quality eyewear for an affordable price. We have a fairly large selection of frames and styles to choose from and we can offer basic affordable glasses all the way up to premium selections that include all the "bells and whistles". We will stand behind our products and will make every attempt to make our patients as happy as possible with their choice in eyewear. Many times the glasses will be covered by insurance but if they are not we will work with you to find the best option for your particular circumstance.

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Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration

The doctors of Mobile Vision Care provide comprehensive eye exams for a multitude of systemic and ocular disorders. The patient's total health and activities of daily living are taken into account in creating the best treatment plan for that patient. Age related macular degeneration is a condition that the doctors at Mobile Vision Care treat and manage on a regular basis. The spectrum of managing AMD can range from nutritional eye therapy to UV protection to prescription changes to magnifiers to coordinating surgical intervention and injections.

What is AMD?
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is an eye disease that can blur the sharp, central vision you need for activities like reading and driving. “Age-related” means that it often happens in older people. “Macular” means it affects a part of your eye called the macula. AMD is a common condition — it’s a leading cause of vision loss for people age 50 and older. It doesn’t cause complete blindness, but losing your central vision can make it harder to see faces, drive, or do close-up work like cooking or fixing things around the house. AMD happens very slowly in some people. Even if you have early AMD, you may not experience vision loss for a long time. For other people, AMD progresses faster and can lead to central vision loss in one eye or both eyes.

For more information on AMD please click the following link.

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The doctors of Mobile Vision Care provide comprehensive eye exams for a multitude of systemic and ocular disorders. The patient's total health and activities of daily living are taken into account in creating the best treatment plan for that patient. Cataracts is a condition that our doctors manage on a daily basis. We have particular expertise in managing the progression of cataracts from subtle prescription changes to reducing glare to surgical intervention (which we will help coordinate and co-manage).

What are cataracts?
Cataracts is a condition where the crystalline lens inside your eye becomes cloudy and less transparent. It is a very common condition and increases steadily with age and can be accelerated by certain systemic conditions and by taking certain medications. The good news is that even with advanced cataracts they are typically easy to manage with surgery and rarely cause any long term harm.

To learn more about cataracts you can click this link.

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Glaucoma occurs from damage to the eye’s optic nerve and can often lead to loss of vision and blindness. To detect glaucoma, our highly trained doctors will perform a proper screening to determine severity, examine the damage, and help you manage your glaucoma.

Early detection of glaucoma is crucial in preventing vision loss and blindness; the earlier the better. However, there is no official cure for glaucoma. There are several treatment methods that manage, slow down, or halt the process. Treatment for glaucoma will vary depending on the stage and severity for each individual patient.

For more information on glaucoma and your eye you can click this link.

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Computer Vision

Computer Vision

Computer Vision is a relatively new term within the optometry field and refers to eye problems associated with the prolonged use of computers and electronics that utilize a digital screen. Although it can be temporary, there are times when computer vision can strain the eyes to a degree that permanently affects your vision as well. An existing eye condition can worsen as the eyes try to focus and adjust to a computer screen, and precautions should be taken if you spend long hours in front of a computer screen.

If you have been experiencing blurry vision, dry eyes, eye strain, headaches, neck or back pain, try adjusting the lighting, posture, and the distance in front of your computer screen. If computer vision symptoms persist, call us to request an appointment, we will perform a full evaluation.

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Farsightedness, known as hyperopia, makes it difficult to see objects close by. If you are experiencing farsightedness, corrective lenses such as glasses or contact lenses will be prescribed. After a thorough examination, we will determine the prescription that’s best for you.

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Myopia Control

Myopia Control

Nearsightedness, known as myopia, makes it difficult to see objects from afar. If you are experiencing nearsightedness, corrective lenses such as glasses or contact lenses will be prescribed. After a thorough examination, we will determine the prescription that’s best for you.

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Diabetic Eye Care

Diabetic Eye Care

The doctors of Mobile Vision Care provide comprehensive eye exams for a multitude of systemic and ocular disorders. The patient's total health and activities of daily living are taken into account in creating the best treatment plan for that patient. Diabetic eye disease is an area of particular focus in our practice and we examine and manage thousands of patients with diabetes every year.

Symptoms and signs of diabetic eye disease can range from very subtle all the way to severe damage with total blindness.

The following is a quick list of the different ways diabetes can affect your eyes:
-Diabetic Retinopathy: This is an eye condition that can cause vision loss and blindness in people with diabetes. It affects the little blood vessels and retina tissue (the light-sensitive layer) in the back of your eye. It can only be properly examined with a dilated eye exam and this should be done routinely. Diabetic retinopathy may not have symptoms at first, but finding it early can be crucial in helping take steps to protect vision.

-Cataracts: Patients with diabetes develop cataracts earlier and many times they progress at a faster rate.

-Glaucoma: Having diabetes increases your risk of developing glaucoma which can be sight threatening.

-Dry eyes: People with diabetes suffer from signs and symptoms associated with dry eyes at a much higher rate than the standard population.

For more information on diabetes and your eye you can click this link.

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Dry Eye Treatment

Dry Eye Treatment

The doctors of Mobile Vision Care provide comprehensive eye exams for a multitude of systemic and ocular disorders. The patient's total health and activities of daily living are taken into account in creating the best treatment plan for that patient. Dry eye is a condition that affects millions of American every year. Symptoms can range mild to severe. Dry eye occurs when your eyes don't make enough tears or when the tears that your eyes are making aren't working correctly. There are many things that factor into your risk of developing dry eye. Many of these are systemic in nature. The doctors will examine the eyes for dry eye and have experience treating this condition with a multitude of options.

For more information on dry eye please click the following link.

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The doctors of Mobile Vision Care provide comprehensive eye exams for a multitude of systemic and ocular disorders. The patient's total health and activities of daily living are taken into account in creating the best treatment plan for that patient. We utilize the latest technology in providing mobile eye care services to our patients. Equipment such as slit-lamps, refractors and keratometers, retinal photography, electro diagnostic testing, ocular photography, corneal topography, visual fields, pachymetry, ultrasound, blephex and more basically let us bring the office to you. We try to keep the limitations of not being in an office to a minimum and in many cases can do more for our patients than a traditional office setting due to the unique way in which we deliver care. We really can utilize all of our expertise and equipment to bring a full scope comprehensive eye exam to you!